Welcome to ISI
About ISI Slackline Judging
Welcome to ISI Slackline Judging. In 2015, Slackline Industries (SI) had a goal of hosting competitions that were as fair, transparent and objective as possible. Working for months, a system was developed that standardized scoring so it could be easily understood. The goal was to create a competition format that rewards athletes for variety, creativity, tricks, combos, amplitude and style; while at the same time providing consistency in scoring, an unbiased judging platform and transparency to all athletes as to how/why they were scored. These goals were necessary and have provided significant improvements from the ambiguous and hard-to-quantify criteria established under previous judging formats.
Today, ISI has fallen to the hands of its judges and the athletes who have competed under it since 2015. Rules and trick scores are established and changed through annual feedback in which everyone’s opinions factor into the final rule changes that are established at the start of the year. At the end of the year, a questionnaire is sent out to all the athletes who have competed in the ISI system to ask what changes they would like to see and also opinions on the scoring for the next year. The answers to the questions are kept anonymous and then discussed among the judges once all the information is collected. Once the new rules have been established, changes and updates are made to the rules for the following year. ISI was created, and will always strive to be about the athletes, and to fairly and accurately score their performance in a competition.
For The All Slackliners
ISI Slackline Judging Contributors
ISI Slackline Judging would like to thank each and every single person that has helped make ISI Slackline Judging what it is today. We are forever grateful for your skill, knowledge and passion for the sport of slacklining and will do the best we can to keep ISI Slacklining "For The Slackliners." Thank you and keep on slacklin!
Contributors (A - D)
Abner Brelaz
Abraham Hernandez
Adrian Portoles Isla
Agustin Palomero Sanz
Akari Nakamura
Alain Jon
Alan Carvalho
Alex Aus
Alex Mason
Alex Suarez
Alexander Ribeiro Pinheiro
Alexandra Arendt
Alexandre Fenali Macarini
Alexandre Ribeiro
Alexsander Araujo
Alisson Ferreira
Allan Pinheiro
Ana Carolina
Andernilson Costa
Anderson Junior
Anderson Matos
Anderson Pupo
Andrey Severo
Angela Line
Anuar Mata
Arthur Ilario
Arturo Perpiñán
Atuel Almenida
Ayumi Okuda
Babi Oliveira
Beatriz Souza
Ben Schneider
Benni Schmid
Bernat Figueras
Bianca Andriolli
Bianca Costa
Brad Schneider
Bratłomiej Lasota
Breannah Yeh
Brisa Eliza
Bruce D'angelis
Bruno Jose
Bruno Madra
Bruno Pierozan
Bruno Toso del Valle
Camila Ignacia Torrejon
Camila Torrejon
Carlos Martín Jiménez
Carlos Neto
Cassio Umeki
Cesar Obrzut
Chaiene Kuhn do Amaral
Choza Robles
Christian Rodriguez
Christian Vargas
Christine Chau
Christine Rank
Chritian Ayala
Cleyton Silva Santos
Colin Casey
Cyro Cavalcanti
Dalva Machado
Damian Cooksey
Damon Hill
Daniel Edon
Daniele Nascimento
Contributors (D - I)
Darllyon Araujo
David Andr
Davis Hermes
Dawid Ostrysz
Denis Peres
Derick (Campinas)
Derick Cole
Diego Acioli
Diego Alves
Diego Franco Sanchez
Diogo Fernando
Diogo Paganini
Douglas Juninho
Douglas Ramos
Dtilos Oliveira
Dylon Lousberg
Eduardo Queiroz
Edward Beroiza
Elliott Peier
Eloy Roy Brusi
Emiliano Gimenez
Emiliano Perez
Enrique Pereira
Esneider Arrieta Escudero
Esneider Escudero
Esteban Frias
Ezequiel Troncoso
Federico Aricò
Felipe contreras
Felipe Freitas
Felipe Gomez
Felipe Ione Cansado Frias
Felipe Ossa
Felix Carreira
Filip Oleksik
Filipe Mantos
Frankie Najera
Gabriel Aglio
Gabriel Amaral
Gabriel Chokito
Gabriel Garcia
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Saraiva
Gabriel Suti
Geovane Silva
Geovane Tavares
Giovanna Petrucci
Gonzalo Gonzalez
Guilherme Augusto
Guilherme Duarte
Gustavo Silva
Hallan Garcia
Haruki Kinoshita
Henrique Borba
Hiroyuki Ueda
Ian Vitor
Icaro Antonelli
Igor da Rosa
Igor Gasser
Igor Zambelli
Ikumi Miyazaki
Ilka Peters
Ione Cansado Frias
Isabela Almeida
Isaias Veiga
Contributors (I - M)
Itsuki Hosoe
Jaikel Alejandro Queiro
Jakub Ostrysz
Jamie Pletcher
Jean Floriano
Jeremy Beard
Jhon Quijano
Jhon Quijano
Jhonatan Robelto
João Gabriel (Jhon Noose)
João Guilherme
Joao Pedro
Johannes Floh
Johnny Alves
Jonas Bauer
Jorge Grande Arellano
Jose Antonio Garcia Vera
Josh Beaudoin
Josu Pérez
JP Souza
Juliano Tempesta
Julio Valverde
Justin Wagers
Katsuya Shimo
Keagan French
Kenji Kurita
Kiichi Kawai
Kirill Semenov
Kitowski Marius
Kose Natori
Kota Hayasaka
Kousuke Kamada
Kristjan Kullamaa
Kyle Cackett
Kyryl Dubovyi
Laert Ferreira
Lane Masar
Leandro Cardoso
Lohaynni Vitoria
Luana Duracel
Luca Rocha
Lucas Lima
Lucia De Sabata
Luciano Spindola
Luis Fernando Mora Valdes
Luis Mora
Luis Sergio
Lukáš Černý
Luke Diestel
Luke Hall
Luke Rendell
Manabu Nakamura
Mao Huchigami
Marcos Lima
Marcus Nelson
Maria Eduarda
Mariane de Paula
Mario largo
Mario Manjarres
Martín Hernandez
Matheus Lara
Matheus Morais
Matias Orrego Tapia
Matias Sepulveda
Mauricio Santana
Contributors (M - Z)
Masanori Kajita
Michael "Massivo" Rebelo
Michael Bross
Michael Payton
Michal Pírek
Mickey Wilson
Mikel Ros
Mikel Ros de Zarobe
Mio Sudo
Moritz Purer
Motoki Hosoe
Nathan Faure-Vincent
Nikolay Shelamov
Oskar Romero Lopez
Pablo Joly
Paloma Galvão
Patrick Ramon
Paulo Roberto Silva de Moura
Pedro Rafael
Pedro Rafael Marques
Pierre Carrillo
Rafael Alves
Rafael Chokito
Rafael Souza
Raimon Bullich Vilarrubias
Randley Freitas
Ricardo Bottome
Ricardo Nardi
Richardson Santos
Rikuto Nakamura
Roberto Perez
Rodrigo Oristanio
Roger Niubó Solé
Romain Billard
Romario Maia
Rui Mimoso
Salvador Olavides
Sandro Micael
Sarah Pesniaki
Sebastian Caro
Sebastian Castañeda
Sebastian Charry
Sergio Alonso Gonzalez
Shinichi Ikano
Shuichi Hamaguchi
Silvio Junior
Taku Yakuwa
Tauri Vahesaar
Teruto Tanaka
Thiago Andre
Tomas Casine
Toru "Gappai" Osugi
Vadim Balash
Valentin Huet
Valter Durante
Victor Aires
Vinicius Souza
Vitor Augusto
Vyacheslav Kurapov
Watson Vieira
Wes Duckworth
William Fuenmayor
Wislon de Oliveira
Yuga Nakamura
Yumi Shioda
Zack Andrews
Zephaniah Gonzales
Thank you once again to everyone listed above for your help in making ISI Slackine Judging what it is today! If you don't see you name listed above, please send an email to info@isi-slacklinejudging.org to get your name added to the list.